Tuesday, May 28, 2019

control in brave new world :: essays research papers

Control in Brave New WorldIn his novel Brave New World, Aldous Huxley illustrates ways in which establishment and advanced science control connection. Through actual visualization of this utopian society, the reader is able to see how this state affects Huxleys characters. Throughout the book, the author deals with many another(prenominal) different aspects of control. Whether it is of his subjects feelings and emotions or of the societys restraint of population growth, Huxley depicts governments and sciences role in the brave new universe of discourse of tomorrow.One aspect of control that is touched upon from the beginning of the novel until the end is the control of the population birth and growth. As a way to maintain the societys motto of Community, Identity and Stability, the number of inhabitants is managed through the artificiality of the brave new worlds use of technology. In the first chapter of the novel, the reader is introduced to the process of creating human race in this Utopia. The advancement of science made it possible for the building of an artificial arrangement with the reproductive glands and equipment needed for fertilizing and hatching the resulting eggs. The fact that machines do what is done by human reproductive systems shows how science has dominated over man in this world. The actual process of creating humans is made possible through the use of a single ovary which makes thousands of identical people. Since these people are similar in appearance, thought and relations, they are able to live in perfect harmony with each other. Huxley uses Lenina and Fanny, twain of his female characters who are distant relatives from the same ovary, as people who get along well and are on the same page on issues concerning Utopian lifestyles. This is how the government of Utopia, made up of only ten controllers, is able to maintain perceptual constancy among its people. Since stability is part of the brave new worlds motto, it is a crucial d eal for the government to uphold.Something else that is controlled by government and science is any thing to do with marriage, romance and pregnancy. It is a rule by the government for everyone to freely have sex with anybody at anytime they want. It is against the rules of the Utopia to date anyone regularly. Government forbids anyone to go towards thoughts of monogamy and romance because they require too much time and bring no stability to life.

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